On 2nd august 2019, Digo Bikas Institute, NYCA, CliMate’s Nepal, YFEED organized a round table consultation program among youth stakeholders, experts and students which mainly focused on the burning issues of Nepal i.e. Climate Emergency, Oil economy and Action for climate emergency (ACE).

35 youth climate activists, students and representatives from Climate’s Nepal, YFEED, Digo Bikas Institute, Xavier College, NYCA, Patan Multiple Campus, Tri Chandra Multiple Campus and Greenhood Nepal attended the consultation. Youth stakeholders shared opinions, thoughts and suggestions about the topic of climate emergency, ACE in the consultation.

Pramisha Thapaliya from Climates started the conversation by describing about Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) and how ACE is being adopted in countries all around the world. Action for climate empowerment is a phrase that is adopted by UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) which refers to article 6 (1992) focusing on priority areas, education , training, public awareness, public participation, public access to information and international co-operation on these issues.Further, she talked about the current status of topic Climate Change in our curriculum also stated that further ACE should be strengthened.

Whereas, IS Khulal from YFEED, explained everyone about Oil drilling practices and fossil fuel movement in the world and oil drilling issue of Nepal. He elaborated how carbon economy is most famous all over the world. In 2015, countries came together to create moment to combat climate change and to accelerate and intensify the actions and investments needed for a sustainable low carbon future and signed Paris agreement. He said “In Nepal, the government have invested for oil drilling and people are not much aware about it. We should focus on renewable sources rather than fossil fuel”.

During the discussion, the expert Manjeet Dhakal illustrated about the emerging topic i.e. Climate Emergency. “Climate change is our problem we’ve to deal with it, it is never a political issue in Nepal”.

Mr Rajan Thapa; curriculum expert said that curriculum is revised and topics related to Environmental Science and climate change is mandatory also climate change policy, negotiations, modules are also included in Master’s degree. He suggested that it is effective if people from every faculty be it science or management or humanities everyone should know about climate change.

Shail Shrestha from Digo Bikas Institute moderated the consultation. Consultation concluded to have similar dialogue on climate change and engage with youth all over Nepal and to formation of Youth coalition on Climate Change representing diverse youth organizations.