Niharika Mathema

Niharika Mathema is an Architect, Placemaker and Urban Rejuvenator, specializing in Sustainable Development with a passion for People and Places. She strives to enrich people’s everyday experiences in the City by focusing on the spaces in between buildings.

She holds a Master’s degree in Energy for Sustainable Social Development from Tribhuvan University – Institute of Engineering, Pulchowk/National Institute of Science and Technology, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway. Her Master’s Thesis in “Sustainable Placemaking” has received high accolades.

She is the founder/initiator of Placemaking Nepal, a self-organized collective of Placemakers dedicated to “Creating Meaningful Places for Memorable Experiences”.  She has been leading the Placemaking conversation in Nepal and amplifying the Movement by building awareness and sensitizing people about the importance of public spaces for improved quality of life, social well-being, economic vibrancy and a healthy environment.

Her research articles on pressing urban topics like Public Space Revitalization, Gender Mainstreaming, Market Cities, City Branding and Sustainable Development are published in various online portals and national dailies.

She is committed to working towards a better urban future and bringing transformative changes in communities in unique ways, with a particular focus on the public realm.